While it was fun to spend our mornings with our toes in the sand, pool parties, and backyard barbecues-school is officially in session! it’s time to get our heads back in the books, and on to new cleaning routines and schedules. Here are some back to school cleaning tips to get your house looking fabulous once again.
1. Shoes off
It’s important to make sure that playdate mates know this rule right out of the gate. When friends come over, they must take off their shoes. Have a mat by the front door and make sure your children offer up some encouragement
2. Cleaning Checklist for Kids
Getting the kids to buy into your cleaning system is the toughest task of all. Creating a cleaning checklist for your kids is a good place to start. Let them know exactly what is expected of them. This list could include morning, afternoon, and evening checklists as well as weekly and monthly checklists. (making their beds, folding the clothes, putting away their toys before bed and cleaning their room weekly.) Along with the checklist, you can have a reward system to give your kids more incentive to keep the house clean. Add little rewards like ice cream or sleepovers with friends next to the chores on your list. This way your kids can be motivated by what they might receive for cleaning their room.
3. Make It Fun!
When most people think of cleaning the house, fun isn’t exactly the word that comes to mind, But finding ways to make it fun can make the whole process seem a little less like a chore. Try turning on some loud music and getting the whole family involved. It’s hard to not have fun when your favorite songs are playing. You could also try making it a contest and let the first person to finish cleaning their room pick what to have for dinner that night. Little things like that make a big difference.
4. Back to School Yard Sale
Another good way to reset and start over at the beginning of the school year is to have a yard sale. It’s a good way to declutter your house and make some extra cash at the same time. Get everyone in the family to go through their rooms and gather up anything that is not being used anymore. Doing this alone can free up so much space in your home, making it easier to keep clean going forward.
5. Clean your Carpets and Upholstery
The summer weather can have a big impact on the carpets and furniture in your home. We all love to keep the windows open during the summer months to allow all The fresh air flow through your home. However, it also allows pollen and other airborne allergens to flow into your home and get trapped in your carpets or upholstery. This is why you should always do a deep cleaning of your carpets and upholstery at the end of summer.
All these tips can help you and your family get back on track for the new school year. However, the best way to do this is by hiring professional carpet cleaning services to give your home a fresh start. Spic n Span Carpet Cleaning can help you get your home back in order after a long summer season. With over 15 years of experience, we take pride in delivering a courteous and professional experience. That is why we are voted best carpet cleaning in Richmond va. As a fully insured, family owned business, you can trust that you’re in good hands. From carpet and upholstery to tile and grout, we’ll make sure your home is spotless. contact us today for free quote www.spicnspancarpet.com or call 804-539-9337