5 Best -Kept Secrets to selling your home.
Selling your home and relocating can be one of the most
nerve-racking and emotional experiences we encounter. From cleaning and staging to repainting and depersonalizing, here are 5 tips to help get you ready to put your home on the market.
Tip #1
Find a good Realtor
Find out what your home is worth. Work with an experienced full service Realtor who is informed about the market and can provide you the most help throughout the entire process. You decide the level of customer care you want to receive. Beware of discount brokerages who do not offer or include full services. Most discount brokerages are dealing with a larger quantity of clients at any given time and simply cannot afford to offer the. same service as other Agents. A traditional agent will be able to provide you with more personalized service and response to your needs.
Tip #2
Give your house a deep clean
First Impressions mean a lot. So don’t let foul smells, dirty floors or dusty surfaces make a bad one on a potential buyer. Give your home a deep clean. This means cleaning toilets, wiping down surfaces, mopping floors, cleaning rugs and scrubbing bathrooms. Consider calling in the best professionals in the business (think: Spic n Span carpet cleaning and a housekeeper) to ensure that your place is in the Best condition.
Tip #3
Declutter the home
Decluttering and organizing your space will go a long way in appealing to potential buyers. When a home is clutter-free, buyers are able to focus on the actual home instead of on the junk, and overflowing closets. When decluttering, remember, “Less is more”.
When potential buyers come into your home, they want to feel like they have counter space, storage space, and square footage to work with. Basically, they want to see a home with potential for their lives and their needs. Adopt the notion that your house is no longer your home. It’s a commodity, and you need to be able to detach yourself from it and be open to change. (Begin to think of it as the Seller and not the home owner.)
Consider renting a small storage unit for a few months. If you are having a difficult time determining what should be put into storage, try to view your home as a visitor would. Look at your house from the street. What catches your attention? What could be improved? Walk in and look around. What do you notice first?
Tip #4
Stage and hire a professional photographer
Hire a professional photographer! I know a lot of Iphones these days have all those fancy filters but don’t allow your realtor to take photos with theirs.
when it comes to listing photos, quality trumps quantity.
You want to make your listing photos shine as much as possible
Your Realtor should be able to provide you with guidance as to the appropriate number of listing photos. Just be sure to choose only the best for the listing. After all, no one needs to see 10 photos ofyour master bathroom. Remember, photos are the first thing a buyer will be looking at, and you don’t want to have your home “overlooked” due to poor photos.
Stage your home.
The National Association of Realtors found that Staging a home increased its value by anywhere from 6 to 10% and 39% of sellers said that staging the home significantly decreased the time their home was on the market.. Trust us, you want to put the work in and stage your home. Do a quick google search on home staging and you will find lots of free advice and info out there to give you some different ideas. Most home staging posts on the internet will tell you to paint your walls a neutral color. The next thing they will tell you is that once you’ve painted your walls, you’ve got to subtly brighten the place up a bit. Here are some of the colorful items you may want to pick up: Throw Pillows, Green plants like Ferns, Colorful flowers in vibrant vases, and Bowls of Fruit. If you’re skeptical about staging your home, I recommend hiring a professional stager although fees can add up- so do your research. Some Realtors include staging and photography when Listing your house.
Tip #5 Price it right!
When a house is first listed it will have the highest level
of interest in the first few weeks, Pricing is really tricky, and something you’ll
need to rely on a realtor for advice.
Price it too high and it might sit for longer than you want. Prospective buyers will see that its been
sitting for a while and will be more likely to come in with lower offers.
Danae Collins
When you work with our local partner Realtor, they’ll have the skills you need to ensure your home is ready to sell. Our partner agent will also cover most of your startup costs including professional photos, personalized staging and cleaning your carpets.